One View
Organic Geometric
Let Biogons Be
Something from the archives
New Horizons
A New York Minute

Uncomfortable Comfort

Coastal Conjoins
From the phone to the dome

From the Archives


Man, yesterday was a whirlwind. I didn't eat right and kinda fucked myself for dinner, but I took today off and rested up. All I can say is that in my limited experience, upper Manhattan is boring. But Chelsea and The Meat Packing District are pretty cool. Very hip indeed, although I just realized I don't have the kind of income to live in this city the way I would want!
I must say that there is something inherently charming about the juxtaposition of the well dressed and the dirt of the city. THIS IS A METROPOLIS

Today was so NY. I walked from the hotel to Harlem and then over to The Upper West Side and down toward The High Line. It felt so neurotic walking to nowhere, but I had fun. The Garment District has a lot of "dressers" which makes total sense, I'm kinda mad I didn't stop anyone for a portrait. I don't think I am eating enough and get a little weird around 3.

Two boroughs down, three to go. Trekking through The Upper East Side into East Village. I was on my way to The Aperture Foundation when a close friend wanted to link up, so I left Chelsea and took off to Midtown. We then crossed The Williamsburg Bridge to go to his house in Bushwick (if you wanna sound cool). Talked to some loke- dawgs (yes the West Coast slang is necessary) and heard some cool stories. PHOTO TIME

Stagnant Beauty
From looking on my blog one would think I don't create much. That couldn't be farther from the truth. I just don't show much. Over he last few years I have made several attempts to get more work to the world. This need becomes more evident as I fill another hard drive with useless images that no- one will ever see. So, no more promises. Just another photo!
Office Face
Little brother is watching
FUJI: git that shit!

First in a Few Fears

I am posting things a little backwards here because this shot is it for me. I pass this ally every day on my way to work and it has never made a compelling image until I picked up a Canon EOS RT a few days ago. This is the first time I have shot film in about 5 years; I was scared. It was interesting shooting in lighting that I know and second guessing myself. But, true to form, I trusted my gut and this is what came out. I would like to think I could have made this shot digitally, and I most certainly color corrected it that way. But even with my level of understanding of the technical side of both analogue and digital techniques, this film shot "has it". The "it" that is lacking in all the other images I have made here. So, kudos to film?
The images below are also shot with film, and they are also my first few shots on this new camera. Funny enough, of things that should never be shot on 35mm (action photography).

I started shooting at about 13 because some of my friends skated for a large team. Those road trips and silly antics made me fall for the art, but I sure dont miss the high frame rates and low success rates of this type of photography, especially with film. So, kudos to film?

Soooooo, Kudos to film for inspiring me to love the art. Kudos to film for making me switch to digital. Kudos to film for re-invigorating my passion in image making during busy times!